#3 Create your aimed customer experience
What is the experience you want to give your customers? Not only based on customers needs and wants but also based on the ambition and organisational goals your company has. In this workshop(s) we will formulate and validate the aimed experience and make it as specific as possible. You will have your customer compass, which describes your aimed experience, ready at the end of this program. Unique and in line with your branding.
What is an aimed experience?
The aimed experience describes the promises you make to your customers. Your company is aiming to fulfil these promises for your customers. These promises are written down from a customer's perspective and also describe the internal behaviour or commitments you make together so keepings your promises and delivering on them gets easier for colleagues in direct and indirect contact with your customers. The customer compass is your guideline in what type of experience you want to deliver to your customers and helps colleagues in how to realise that in contact moments.
What is the need for an aimed experience?
The aimed experience makes clear for everyone working in your organisation what the experience is you want to deliver to your customers. This helps them in their daily work on how to create value contact moments for your customers. Besides this a customer compass, describing the aimed experience, ensures your company has one anchorpoint. Preventing different departments to design their own ‘six C’s’, ‘3B’s’ or ‘5F’s’ on how to design for or be in contact with your customers. These types of guidelines can evolve from the customer compass, rather not be developed as a stand alone.
What is the result of this workshop?
You have created a customer compass describing for your organisation what kind of experience you want to deliver when customers in contact with you.
You have a version of your customer compass that is validated with customers and your internal peers.
You have a plan to launch the customer compass within the organisation the next six months.
Besides this you will meet other marketing and customer service professionals in SME's, have a CX workshop workbook.