#4 Design unique contact moments
Do you already know what experience you aim for? In this workshop we are going to design one journey for your customers and work on the contact moments to bring the aimed experience alive.
What is design?
With the first workshop you determined the customer life cycle. That is providing you with the current customer journey and experience. An IST-situation. To improve your customer experience, you want to design the future experience that you are aiming for. The SOLL-situation. Because great experiences don’t happen by accident. So step by step you will design all contact moments, products and services that create the overall experience you are aiming for, the SOLL-situation.
The design we are talking about is based on the method of service design/design thinking. It contains the triple diamond as shows here. The basic thought behind is that you develop an idea with a customer centered iterative an creative way of working into a solution that suits your company and your customers like a clove.
What is the need for designing unique experiences?
Based on customer insights you get to know what pain points customers suffer from, or what expectations are not covered by your company in the current state. Maybe you come along new customer needs you want to fulfill or your company needs a drastic cost cut, or the context of your company is going through huge changes, in all these situations have a direct impact on your customer journey, which means something has or is going to change. Knowing how to deal with these changes and have a concrete way of working fort hat, will make sure you are creating an consistent experience that contributes to your strategic goals.
What is the result of this workshop?
You are familiair with the cycle of service design and you know how to apply it.
You have designed a new solution for a current pain point of your customers.
Tons of ideas for changes in the customer journey.
We can design the customer journey/ contactpoints in Theydo