#2 Boost your customer understanding
A lot of organisations listen to their customers but what is the most valuable way for your company? Together we design your Voice of the Customer program.
What is customer understanding?
It literally means; understanding your customer. And we mean from a customer perspective. Understanding what needs customers have, what their job-to-be-done is when using/hiring your product or service. What do they expect when dealing with your company, and what do they think of your product/service. That is the information you're looking for when setting up a customer understanding program.
Because there is so much to understand about and of your customers, it is good to determine on the forehand, what you want to know about your customers and why you want to know that. What information is most valuable to you, and how do you collect that information?
Data collections on behalf of understanding your customer, goes through in several sources:
- Quantitative data: big data on frequencies, channel behaviour, open source data.
- Qualitative data: data that provides a narrative behind customer behaviour.
What is the need for customer understanding?
Everybody recognizes the statement when started working at a new company: “use your fresh view on everything these first three months.” The reason is that people tend to adapt to their environment as soon as possible, and you become part of the inner circle, the safe bubble that a company provides to you. The downside is that you also start argumenting why things are the way they are, or you take internal solutions for granted, because you are a part of it. You’ll have an inside-out perspective. And customers are outside, they do not share that same perspective. So if you want to understand what customers think, do, say, hear, you need to collect their outside-in perspective, this way you will stay as objective towards your company, as possible.
As a customer experience professional you represent the customer internally. So staying as much in contact with the outside-in perspective, is a must-do. Understanding customers starts with exploring the needs for products and services that you want to bring to the market, and ends with the evaluation of being a customer. All steps of the customer life cycle that are in between are in need of customer understanding when you want to get and keep your customers happy.
What is the result of this workhops?
You will have a personal customer understanding program that suits your organisation. Containing why, what and how you are going to understand your customers.
You have experimented with different ways of collecting data.
You will have an customer insight on the top 10 pain points of your customers dealing with your company.
Besides this you will meet other marketing and customers service professionals in SME's, have a CX workshop workbook.